BLOG POST / JULIO 16, 2017

Qué debe tener un buen profesor de inglés - Your Way 19

¿Qué debe tener un buen profesor de inglés? ¿Cómo elegir profesor/a? Y si te dedicas a ello, ¿qué debe tener un buen profesional?

Learning happens when someone wants to learn something, not when someone wants to teach something

Great line, isn't it?

Learning is the topic of today's podcast. Real learning and the role of a teacher in the process. En el podcast de hoy, Mónica y yo intentamos diseccionar la radiografía del profesor de inglés perfecto. ¿Qué se necesita para ser un buen profesor de inglés? Te interesará tanto si eres alumno (para saber qué tipo de profesionales evitar o elegir) como si te dedicas a la formación o alguna vez has tenido que dar clase de algo.

Recuerda escuchar el audio mientras lees el guión que hemos preparado para que no pierdas el hilo de la conversación. Puedes leer el guión antes de darle al play, o repasar un poco el vocabulario (más abajo) para saber de qué hablaremos.

Shall we start? 🙂

Qué debe tener un buen profesor de inglés - Listen to the episode!

Usa este enlace para descargar el podcast en formato mp3

Ideas mentioned in this podcast

- Question of the day: what makes a good English teacher - 1:25

- The single most important trait of a good teacher: a good teacher really wants his/her students to learn, he cares about them – 02:25

- A good teacher must correct her/his students' mistakes. A language partner (in an exchange, through apps, etc) will never give you the kind of feedback you need to improve - 3:35

- A great teacher will try to connect with the students at a personal level. If you're a teacher, try to ask your students about their life, interests, etc. Mónica's anecdote of a "bad teacher" – 05:50

- Another tip: try to make your students speak as much as possible. Students need to speak and be given feedback on their speaking. Do not make classes a passive chore - 08:20

- Students don't usually care about your life, they want to speak about theirs, they want you to listen to them and make them feel important. Why Susan, the teacher who works in David's course, is a great example of an excellent teacher – 09:25

- A good teacher will try to get honest and real results for his/her students. Simple but difficult to get! As a teacher, always try to be open-minded and question your own methods and strategies. David's dark confession! - 13:00

- The right teacher should ALWAYS have an idea or preparation of what the class will be about, at least loosely speaking - 18:10

- A native teacher is not always the best solution. Native teachers are needed when you have higher levels while a bilingual teacher can be perfect and often better for beginners and intermediate level students - 21:07

- Although grammar and knowledge are important, teaching is highly connected to marketing and entertainment. A good teacher should be fun and entertaining (energetic, good storytelling skills, etc) - 25:25

- Learning happens when someone wants to learn something, not when someone wants to teach something. Motivation is ALWAYS the most important element - 28:05

- Do not waste your time and money. If you're not getting real results, change your teacher. A good teacher can really make the difference and your time is valuable, invest it well - 32:05

Vocabulary used in this episode

What makes a...: ¿Qué hace falta para ser....?

To have the will to...: tener la voluntad para hacer algo

To correct a mistake: corregir un error o una falta

From the point of view of...: desde el punto de vista de...

To preach: dar un sermón o predicar

A feature: una característica / un rasgo (físico, del rostro)

To care about someone: preocuparse por alguien

Engaging / to engage someone: que engancha, que se involucra / involucrar o enganchar a alguien

I couldn't believe it: no me lo podía creer

To notice something: darse cuenta de algo, notar algo

To be delighted with someone/something: estar encantado con algo/alguien, no poder estar más contento

To fool someone: engañar a alguien, "colársela"

How come + affirmative sentence?: ¿Cómo es que....? (la pregunta sin auxiliar)

Either....or...: o X....o Z (O esto o aquello, para 2 elementos)

To confess something: confesar algo

I have no idea: no tengo ni idea

The bible: la biblia

A greenhouse: un invernadero

To try your best: hacerlo lo mejor que puedas

In my experience,: según mi propia experiencia

You see what I mean?: ¿Me entiendes? ¿Entiendes a lo que me refiero?

To make the difference: marcar la diferencia

To entertain someone / an entertainer: entretener a alguien / un artista o animador

Something is over: algo se ha acabado, ha terminado (clase, videojuego, etapa, etc)

A line: una frase o cita (de un libro, cita famosa, letra de canción, diálogo de una película, etc)

To make an impact on someone: tener un impacto en alguien, causar una impresión, dejar huella

That/it sounds like...: eso suena a...

She was fired: fue despedida de su trabajo


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