Cómo enganchar al hablar inglés - Your way 21

¿Necesitas que te presten atención al hablar inglés? ¿Quiéres enganchar y conectar mejor con quien hables?

Hablar inglés es el primer paso. Pero, más allá, es posible que necesites que te escuchen cuando lo hables, que la gente reaccione cuando tengas que comunicarte.

Maybe you're a teacher who needs to explain a different subject in English, perhaps you're giving a talk or preparing an oral presentation at work, for your foreign clients. En cualquier caso, es IMPORTANTÍSIMO desarrollar buenas habilidades comunicativas y de oratoria, para enganchar mejor al hablar inglés.

De eso va el podcast de hoy, gracias a la pregunta de Grazia. We'll show you how to engage your audience 🙂

Cómo enganchar al hablar inglés - Listen to the episode!

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Ideas mentioned in this podcast

- Question of the day (Grazia, from Barcelona): how to engage when speaking in English and the importance of grabbing people's attention when talking - 1:38

- In communication, "how" is far more important than "what". Content is not as important as energy and variety of speech – 06:00

- The story of how Mónica's brother managed to communicate and draw attention with only gestures - 10:10

- How important it is to use storytelling. Our brains are designed to listen to stories for survival purposes and we digest information faster through stories - 11:30

- Although communication and social skills can be improved with habit and knowing the techniques, the most important element of the equation is to flow, to try to pay 200% attention to the moment and stop thinking – 13:50

- Before you can flow and let yourself go in the conversation, you will need previous preparation. Prepare what you will say, the topics you'll cover, stories, etc - 16:12

- Creating games and rewards for doing something can engage people more and create healthy competition, motivate them to participate more  – 18:15

- Get to know your trainees/students/audience better, in a personal way and memorise their names and preferences. Care about them and make them feel special - 21:00

- To be able to understand and engage your audience, you need to understand WHY they are there and how they can benefit from listening to you, how it can help them get what they want - 26:15

- A final tip: look after your energy levels, health, etc. The only way to be 100% ready to engage other people is to be healthy and relaxed yourself - 32:00


Vocabulary used in this episode

To engage (somebody): involucrar a alguien

A bakery: una panadería

To train someone: entrenar o preparar a alguien

To take something for granted: dar algo por hecho/asumido

To worship something/someone: adorar a algo/alguien

Assertive: asertivo/a

Flat: plano, sin variaciones (físico o metafórico)

A recipe: una receta de cocina

I couldn't agree more: no podría estar más de acuerdo

Challenging: (adjetivo) que supone un reto, complicado, desafiante

To point X at..: apuntar X a... (dedo, pistola, etc)

An anecdote: una anécdota

To exaggerate something: exagerar algo

To come out well/badly/terrible/etc: salir bien/mal/terriblemente, etc

To stop + ing: dejar de hacer algo

Look someone in the eye: mirar a alguien a los ojos

To prepare/write an outline: preparar o escribir un guión o esquema

Rehearsal / to rehearse something: ensayo (evento) / ensayar algo

To collect something: coleccionar algo

A prize / award / a reward: un premio / premio (más formal) / recompensa

To work your ass off: dejarte la piel, trabajar una burrada

To get to know someone: conocer a alguien (en el sentido de entablar lazos y reforzarlos)

A/an X expert: un experto en (wine expert, cars expert, poker expert, etc)

To sound like a broken record: sonar como un disco rallado, repetitivo

To mingle: hacer amigos, mezclarse en un grupo, etc

Necessary: necesario/a

To overlook something: pasar algo por alto

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