Aprende inglés online - Your Way - Episode 02


Welcome again to this untypical English podcast, Your Way!

Sé porque estás aquí. Quieres aprender inglés online, right? Well, in this podcast we use English to help you do much more than learning English, we help you live your own way, your own story!

aprende inglés online - daway inglés - glencoe


Here I am, in the Scottish Highlands...menudo viaje hicimos Esmeralda y yo, increíble. Recuerdo perfectamente este momento, la foto junto a las montañas "Three Sisters" del valle Glen Coe en los highlands escoceses. Every time I look at this picture I feel awesome, great, highly motivated, full of energy and life. Siempre que miro esta foto me siento increíble. Me sentía vivo, presente, lleno de ganas de hacer cosas y vivir aventuras.

Es curioso cómo funciona la motivación, ¿verdad? ¿Te has sentido alguna vez así?

That's the topic of today's episode in Your Way. Mónica Stocker and I speak about what motivates us, how to achieve things, know what you want and much more. Hoy, Mónica y yo hablamos de motivación, de conocerse a uno mismo y mucho más.

Listen and read the full story below! 🙂

Aprende inglés online - Your Way Episode 02

aprende inglés online - your way podcast artwork

En esta sección tienes el reproductor para escuchar el podcast y aprender inglés online desde el navegador, o también puedes descargar el audio en formato mp3 para escucharlo mientras haces deporte, tareas de casa, viajas, etc. Más abajo tienes la transcripción con las ideas generales de las que hablamos en este podcast en inglés.

Listen to the second episode here:

Descarga el audio en mp3 para escuchar más tarde

Ideas and topics mentioned in this podcast

En esta primera sección te proporcionamos una transcripción general del audio, para que puedas ubicarte en todo momento y puedas seguir las distintas ideas de las que hablamos durante la conversación:

[list_wrap list_type="dots"]
[list_item]The importance of knowing what you want - 0:50[/list_item][list_item]How to know the things that you really enjoy and like, investigating your past - 3:30[/list_item][list_item]How getting positive feedback can help you discover what you can do for a career or what you do best - 5:08[/list_item][list_item]How to motivate yourself to enjoy doing something or find ways to enjoy your current job more - 7:30[/list_item][list_item]What you can do if you want to do something that doesn’t have a market - 9:20[/list_item][list_item]The importance of knowing your strengths and weaknesses, self-awareness - 13:04[/list_item][list_item]How you can ask people around you to get an honest opinion of yourself - 14:00[/list_item][list_item]Why you need to know yourself to have your own business - 15:20[/list_item][list_item]How you can combine ideas to make your website or blog unique - 16:20[/list_item][list_item]Why ideas need to have sex and how you can get take different ideas to create something special for your online business, blog, etc - 18:50[/list_item][list_item]How you find it difficult to implement ideas from one field to another, and the huge potential this has. The writer Nassim Taleb. How sport can be combined with English and how you might be doing this right now, even if you don’t have a name for it - 21:37[/list_item][list_item]The number of opportunities that exist today thanks to the Internet, even if you don’t have a job, and why you should think about it now - 26:03[/list_item][list_item]A very powerful exercise to find what you want in life. How to find what you want in only 30 minutes and why you need to know what you want to be happy. Do the exercise today and you will be surprised by the answers - 27:34[/list_item][list_item]The best way to find amazing motivation to do difficult things. Having a higher purpose or big why and how you can have this superpower, even if you are not very motivated (for a blog, to do hard things in your life, etc) - 31:25[/list_item][list_item]An example of how having a big why can help you do difficult things. Why you always need to pay a price to achieve difficult things - 36:00[/list_item][list_item]Why you need a higher purpose if you want to make money with an online business or website - 38:00[/list_item][list_item]Why “Success” is very personal and why you need to know what success is for you to feel good about yourself - 40:10[/list_item][list_item]Our final word and call to action for you. What you can do today to change your life - 43:00[/list_item][/list_wrap]

English expressions and vocabulary we use in this podcast

- To be in autopilot: autopiloto

- Common: común

- Young: joven

- As a child: de niño/a

- To liberate something: liberar algo

- To think/look back: pensar en tu pasado

- Your childhood: tu infancia

- A hint: una pista

- Success: éxito

- To combine: combinar

- The lyrics of a song: la letra de una canción

- Ceramics: cerámica

- To make an effort: hacer un esfuerzo

- Creativity: creatividad

- Waiter / waitress: camarero/a

- To give someone advice: dar un consejo a alguien

- A pattern: un patrón/estampado

- A niche: un nicho o industria

- To test something: probar o testear algo, hacerlo como experimento

- To be self-aware: ser consciente de ti mismo/a, conocerte

- To fail: fracasar

- Weaknesses and strenghts: debilidades y fortalezas

- Honest: honesto/a

- Crucial: crucial, importantísimo

- To remind someone of something: recordarle a alguien algo

- To expand: expander

- Your expertise: tu campo de experiencia

- To have sex: tener sexo, "frungir"

- Vegan: vegano/a

- A vlog: un vídeo blog

- Raw: crudo

- The fucking boss: el puto amo/la puta jefa

- A field: un campo, una industria

- A coach: un entrenador / un autocar

- From many walks of life: de muchos palos distintos

- A piece of paper: un trozo/una hoja de papel

- Portable: portable

- A recipe: una receta

- The key to something: la clave para algo

- Something that is worth it: algo que merece la pena

- A higher purpose: un propósito mayor/más grande

- To eat all the shit: tragar mierda, comer toda la mierda

- A ward: una planta de un hospital

- To be away from something: estar lejos de algo

- To pay a price: pagar un precio

- It is very likely that…: es muy probable que

- Frustrated: frustrado/a

- In the short term / in the short run: a corto plazo

- In the long term / in the long run: a largo plazo

- Happiness: la Felicidad

- Freedom: libertad

- A cubicle: un cubículo

- To wrap: envolver

- To wrap up: concluir, resumir

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