Escuchar inglés nativo, cómo empezar. ¿Te he contado alguna vez cuál fué la peor decisión de mi vida? ¿El mayor error que he cometido?
Aún recuerdo la sangre caliente bajando por mi cabeza.
A very strange feeling. Hacía frío en la calle, mucho, pero el goteo rojo oscuro que me bajaba por la frente era cálido. Yo estaba en una especie de shock, la verdad.
Too fast, too stupid.
Siempre me había gustado patinar, desde niño. Solíamos patinar con mis amigos del pueblo, Águilas, y hacíamos como que eramos "pro", saltando cosas, intentando hacer algún "truco", etc.
Aquella noche intenté saltar lo que en la jerga se llama "half pipe" (medio tubo). Y lo hice sin protección.
Ahhh, I was so STUPID!
Te cuento todo esto porque tiene MUCHO que ver con la pregunta que me han hecho hoy. Víctor preguntaba sobre cómo dar el salto y empezar a escuchar inglés nativo, con recursos para nativos, en lugar de estar siempre escuchando podcasts, vídeos o leyendo blogs "educativos", más light.
Si quieres saber cuál es la conexión entre hacer skateboarding y empezar a entender a los nativos....yep, listen to this episode, you'll like it! 🙂
Escuchar inglés nativo, cómo empezar - Ideas mentioned in this podcast
- Question of the day: How to start using native material so that you are not only listening to educational resources? From Victor who lives in Madrid
- It all depends on your level.
- There are 4 different scenarios you may encounter:
- Something is really difficult and you are really bad at something so you are going to feel demotivated straight away
- Something is very easy but you have low skills so again, you find it boring.
- Something is easy and you have lots of skills and then you feel you are wasting your time.
- The sweet spot: something is difficult, you have skills but it is a little bit of a challenge for you. This is where you want to be!
- David tells us a story. This time a sad one: four years ago he broke his elbow and it took him time to recover from this injury. It took time and he had to do it progressively and finally he was able to find the sweet spot where he felt comfortable again.
- So, start giving yourself little challenges.
- Get an English, Scottish or Irish girlfriend! Or…
- Watch TV programmes in English.
- Use online applications to talk to native speakers.
- Set yourself small challenges.
- Watch the same film over and over again. For instance, first watch it with Spanish subtitles and then English subtitles.
- Play video games online with other people in English
- Read graded readers. They often come with a CD or MP3 file so you can read and listen at the same time.
- Keep a balance between a challenge and easy enough for you.
Desbloquéate al hablar inglés, entiende a los nativos y comienza tu transformación bilingüe con mi training gratuito:
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